Tips for Mental Health You'd Get From Your Therapist

Tips for Mental Health You'd Get From Your Therapist



Everyone needs therapy every now and then, but it can be hard to find the time in our busy lives to go. Luckily I’m here to share some tips about mental health that I’ve learned from my therapist. Hopefully, these will help you feel healthy emotionally if you’re struggling, or if you are just working hard to make sure you maintain a healthy mind! 

It’s okay to go to therapy! Seriously, a therapist is just someone that is on your team. You don’t have to be extremely ill to go. A therapist will listen to you and sort through anything you’re having a hard time with. Don’t ever feel ashamed to go to therapy. It helps you be your best self. 

Boundaries are a good thing. One of the best things you can do for yourself is set boundaries to protect your emotional, physical, and spiritual health. They will also protect you from people or things that don’t serve you well. You deserve respect, and boundaries will help people give you the respect you deserve. 

It’s okay to feel sad sometimes. Feeling sad is natural, and it helps our hearts process events in our lives. Let yourself cry it out, and don’t try to prevent yourself from feeling sad. You’ll feel much better if you allow yourself to feel all of your emotions, and affirming your emotions will help you process them in healthy ways. 

Everyone is doing the best they can. Honestly, we’re all too hard on ourselves. Once you recognize that you’re doing the best you can, you’ll feel less anxious about things in your life that you can’t control. Affirm yourself in the space you are in, and you will become more comfortable with yourself and your life. Recognizing that other people are doing their best also creates more gentleness and honesty in the world. 

Your mental health matters. When we're feeling down, it’s really easy to ignore how we're feeling. We are all so busy, and we face a lot of demanding situations that make our mental health pale in comparison to our responsibilities. But, it’s important to care for our minds just as much as we care for our bodies or our relationships with other people. If you don’t have a healthy mind, it will be hard to have a healthy life. That is why it’s so important to recognize your feelings and value how you feel. 

Life changes. If you’re having a hard time, it’s important to recognize that things won't always be that way. Life inevitably moves on, and with time come new opportunities. You won’t always be stuck in a hard situation. Be hopeful about what’s coming your way in the future, and good things will find you. 

You deserve love. This seems obvious, but my time in therapy showed me how difficult it is to internalize this truth. You deserve love. There are so many things that try to tell all of us that we deserve less than kindness and joy, but those things aren’t true. Every one of us is beautiful and valuable, and we all deserve to be cherished and to feel loved every day. 

Therapy can be really helpful to readjust your perspective. It’s always important to maintain an open heart and mind that is grateful for the present and hopeful towards the future. Even if you can’t make it to therapy, I hope these few tips help to ground you in the truth of who you are. What are some things that you’ve learned from your therapist? 

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I think after this quarantine is all over I need some therapy :((


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