Tips for Taking Better Pictures

Tips for Taking Better Pictures


Oh, the struggle of creating a good Instagram feed… It can feel overwhelming at times. How many times should I post in a week? What should my caption be? What filter do I put over my photo? How can I get the most amount of followers? Instagram is supposed to be a fun way to highlight our lives and capture the moments that we love or want to remember. Instagram is also a way to let your creativity or various passions shine through. Don’t forget to have fun when using social media, instead of feeling the pressures of getting the most likes or followers. Create content you love and that you are proud of.

Below are some fun tips and tricks for capturing those moments in a better, elevated way. What’re your secrets to getting the perfect Instagram photo? Let us know in the comments of this post!

  1. Plan out your feed

If you want to put a little more dedication and thought into your Instagram, get an app (my suggestions are “Plann” or “Planoly”) that allows you to plan out your posts ahead of time! You can also come up with captions for the planned photos and schedule an exact time to upload them to Instagram. 

  1. Use natural light

A dimly lit photo can sometimes be the exact aesthetic you’re looking for, but oftentimes photos look their best when they have a natural, flattering exposure. The quality of well-lit photos also tends to be of higher quality!

  1. Phone a friend

Ask a friend or whoever you’re with to take photos of you! I joke that I had to “train” my mom on how to take a proper Instagram photo (“Keep tapping, Mom! Could you stand a little further back? No, don’t zoom in!”). Don’t feel awkward when you see the perfect photo op and want to have a mini photoshoot - just ask!

  1. Know your angles

We’ve all been there - you ask someone to take photos of you, and when your phone is handed back to you, you realize that you don’t look the way you had hoped to. It happens to the best of us! This may sound weird, but try looking at different angles or facial expressions in the mirror. That way you will be prepared for the next time you’d like to have a photo taken of you!

  1. Let your creativity shine through

As mentioned in the beginning paragraph, don’t forget to have fun with your photos. Capture your essence or aesthetic in a unique way, with a different perspective. Don’t feel embarrassed crouching low or standing on a chair to get the shot you envisioned. Be your creative, quirky self!

  1. Forget about the likes

It may be hard to forget, but try to put in the effort of posting what you like instead of what you think will get the most engagement. Sure, we all want people to like our content, but oftentimes it’s more rewarding to post what you genuinely want to instead of what you think others want to.

  1. Use the grid on your camera

This is a game-changer! Turning on the grid mode for your phone’s camera can help get the photo composition you’re hoping for. This really helps when you want something to be perfectly centered.

  1. Photograph the things you love or want to remember

This relates to point 5 in the sense that you should be more authentic online. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to share every single aspect of your life or feel the need to overshare with the world. I mean that you should simply post things that you love and want to keep for memory. What brings you joy? What is beautiful to you? What interests you? Is it fashion? Food? Architecture? People? People want to follow accounts that tell their own story - don’t be afraid to tell yours.

  1. Experiment with fun, unique poses

Facing the camera straight on will always be classic and look nice in photographs, but sometimes it can be fun to switch up your poses and movement! Try capturing more candid shots, kick a leg at the camera, lean over, jump in the air, move your arms around… there are so many different possibilities when posing (and it can still be flattering)! Look at Instagram users you admire and see what poses they do. You could take some inspiration from them while still making it your own!


Let us know your tips and tricks you use to get the perfect photo!



Cry Baby

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this is exactly what i needed!! i always overthink too much about what i should post or not, and your absolutely right i should post what i love and not what others might love. also ty for the tips they’re really helpful and i’ll definitely use them 🤍


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