carlyrenee: One day, I swear on my entire life. I will stand at...


One day, I swear on my entire life. I will stand at that bridge for a whole week and hug anyone who gets near that railing. I will tell them it will be okay, and I won’t let go of them. I will hold signs, and it would be great if people joined me. I will walk by every person on that bridge and let them know how beautiful they are until I lose my voice. It sickens me that people just walk by as if that is “normal” to stand on the side of the bridge, or get on the railing. It seems as if no one cares about anyone anymore. We are so fucking trapped in our own damn worlds to even extend a hand to someone when they most need it. We hide within our walls, and shove everyone else out in fear of being hurt. What about them? What if they need you? What if they just needed a stranger to smile at them, or tell them that things will be alright? What would that hurt, honestly? What if people started to do that? What if everyday of your life, you told someone it would be okay? Would that make you weaker? No. It builds a bond, and could change someone’s life forever.This is absolutely unacceptable. We have learned that “strangers” are horrible people from the news, and from others. We learned before we could crawl not to talk to strangers. Why? We are thrown into negativity about people we do not know. Yes, I understand there is reason behind it, but we look at everyone like this. We are so unsure of people, but what if the stranger was looking for one more word to change their minds? Friends used to be strangers until we invited them into our hearts. Your best friend was a stranger, and so was your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife. I want to actually challenge everyone to speak to one stranger a day. Your choice of who it is. If they look unhappy, smile at them. If they need help with a door or assistance, help. If they need someone to pull them from the ledge, my god, be that person. No one wants to be alone, but everyone feels alone. Open your heart to someone new. Write a positive note and stick it in a book for someone to read. Show them that a stranger actually cares and that there are kind, decent people in this world. If you are even remotely close to doing this challenge, reblog. I want to actually see how many people are up to it. I am not saying you have to reblog, or you have no heart. I am not trying to make anyone feel guilty. No one is heartless if they do not reblog this. I just want to see how many people are willing to tear down walls for a stranger, and go out of their comfort zone. Starting now, I believe I will write letters and put them in books in the bookstore for people to find. If you feel like you are close to the edge: Everything will be okay. It might not get better in a day, a week, or a month, but it will get better. I am not stating that to conform to the “It Gets Better” organization. I want you to know that if you stick with things, and dig into the things that make you truly happy (hobbies, family, friends, adventures, etc.), things will get to where you want them to. You are beautiful, inside and out. Every single one of you. This all sounds so cliche, but it is completely true. You may not see it now, but you will one day. Stay strong, and keep your head up. You are amazing, and perfect in your own little way. Someone truly cares about you. Never forget that.

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